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Home Remedies to Stop Hair-fall Naturally

HAIR-FALL - Basic intro, causes, tips, and remedies to cure your hair from hair fall.

Hi! Everyone, I hope you all are well and safe. Today, I wanna share a fabulous home remedies with you guys to stop your hair fall problem. Excessive hair loss can be a troublesome problem, often causing worry and affecting self-esteem, especially for women. So, in this post I will tell you natural home remedies to cure your hair fall problem and these remedies are natural and super effective which locks your money too. Read the full post for complete information and after using these remedies you will definitely see magic results in your hair after one use only. If you will continuously use this then your hair looks healthier and stronger than ever before. 

If you didn't follow my blog then follow me now via E-mail for such interesting content and tips. Your all problems one solution Dailyhealthshots. Also, follow me on Instagram- @dailyhealthshots_ & Pinterest- @Dailyhealthshots link is in my blog follow me page. If you want to ask something and want any tips then comment down below. Also, share this post with your loved one.

Have you tried this posture? I am excited to hear how its work for you. Share your experience in the comment box down below : )


Q. -  What is Hair Loss?
  • Hair Loss is the thinning of hair on the scalp. The medical term for hair loss is alopecia. Alopecia can be temporary or permanent. The most common form of hair loss occurs gradually and is referred to as " Androgenetic Alopecia", meaning that a combination of hormones and heredity is needed to develop the condition. Hair loss normally occurs gradually with age in both men and women but is typically more pronounced in men.   

Q. -  Causes?
  • Nutritional deficiency - It could be possible that essential nutrients may be missing from your diets such as iron, copper, zinc, and proteins.
  • Hormonal imbalance - After the age of 30, women can experience hormonal imbalance which can be caused by hair loss. This is usually caused by excessive dihydrotestosterone (DHT) conversion. Even though estrogen is the main hormone that women produce testosterone and other androgens such as DHEA also occur in the female body. 
  •  Thyroid issue - If the thyroid gland which is at the front of the neck, produces excessive or an insufficient amount of the thyroid hormone, then the hair growth cycle may change and you notice hair loss.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) - Women with PCOS have a hormonal imbalance which creates higher levels of androgens than normal. This often causes hair to grow on the face and body, while the hair on the head grows thinner.
  • Stress - Extreme stress can cause sudden hair loss which could last for several months.
  • Hairstyling products - Overtreated hair can lead to hair loss ur to the toxic chemicals found in dyes and styling products.
  • Aging - As we age, the rate at which our hair grows tends to slow down. Hair strands get smaller and have less pigment, hair becomes thinner, finer, and grey. 

Q. - Tips for hair care?

Q. - Natural home remedies to treat hair fall problem?
  • Licorice root powder - This herb prevents hair loss and further damage to the hair. It helps soothe the scalp and get rid of any dry flakes/dandruff. Make a paste by adding a tablespoon of ground licorice root powder and a quarter teaspoon of amla to 1 cup curd. Apply this to your scalp and hair length for 30 minutes then wash your hair with mild shampoo. Repeat this twice a week or magic results
  •  Green tea - This tea is rich in antioxidants, which help to boost hair growth and prevent hair loss. Soak 2-3 tea bags in 1-2 cups of hot water depending on the length of your hair. When it cools down, pour this over scalp and hair, while gently massaging your head. Rinse with cool water after 2:30 hours.


  •  Yogurt and honey - Mix 2 tablespoon of yogurt with 1 tablespoon of honey and lemon in a bowl. Using a dye brush, apply this paste on the scalp and roots. leave it for 30 minutes before rinsing with cold water. Apply this paste once a week for magic results.

  • Aloe vera - Aloe vera is an effective home remedy for hair loss and to boost hair growth. It is also effective in reducing problems of scalp like itching and flaking. Take the stalk of aloe vera and extract the pulp. Apply it to your hair and scalp. leave it for 45 minutes then rinse with normal water. You can do this 3 times a week to see better results.

Follow my all tips and remedies on a regular basis. Even I follow these home remedies for longer time and I experienced this magic result in my hair. I ensure that these remedies also work for you guys and definitely improve your hair fall problem and hair texture.

If you didn't follow my blog then follow me now via E-mail for such interesting content and tips. Your all problems one solution Dailyhealthshots. Also, follow me on Instagram- @dailyhealthshots_ & Pinterest- @Dailyhealthshots link is in my blog follow me page. If you want to ask something and want any tips then comment down below. Also, share this post with your loved one.

Have you tried this posture? I am excited to hear how its work for you. Share your experience in the comment box down below : )


TakeCare! Thank you : )

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