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Healthy Lifestyle Facts

Hi! Everyone, I hope you all are well at home. Today I want to tell you about a Healthy Lifestyle Facts which helps to prevent major health threats through lifestyle change. These facts help to maintain a healthy lifestyle at no cost and reduce risks. In this, nothing much you have to do just to manage your time and do regular exercise, have a good diet. you will follow my all facts to maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep away from affecting items like smoking, alcohol, etc. Some health threats like heart diseases, cancer, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), hypertension, kidney disease, obesity, arthritis, depression and injuries are major health threats. Particular lifestyle changes can help in preventing a particular diseases or disorders. My lifestyle facts help to improve fitness and quality of life. For example - the 3 major causes of death all over the world are heart diseases, cancer and stroke. These are more likely to occur in people who have a poor lifestyle, especially those having a diet of high calories, not exercising regularly, smoking, etc. After having appropriate information, people can take prudent decisions and establish healthy habits. However, adopting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not a bed of roses. Adopting healthy lifestyle facts can prove to be exciting and rewarding. But do not be worry when Dailyhealthshots blog is here. So, follow my blog and comment down let me know the topic of the next post.

You also check-out my previous tips post helps to maintain a healthy life by clicking on it:

how to make positive lifestyle

Now, let's get started

These facts may be very significant in preventing major health threats for maintaining a healthy lifestyle

  • Regular Physical Exercise - It is usually seen that most of the people avoid doing any physical activity or exercise in their daily life. They prefer the elevator instead of a staircase. They prefer a motorbike instead of walking for a short distance. As a matter of fact, regular physical activity or exercise helps in preventing obesity, high blood pressure, heart diseases, stroke, diabetes, some types of cancer, constipation, depression and other health threats. Moderate physical exercise or exercise should be done at least 6 days a week and at least 60 minutes per day. Doing even a little bit of exercise is much better than doing nothing at all. Types of exercises deal with different types of problems. For example - aerobic exercise may decrease the risk of heart attacks and coronary artery diseases.  
physical exercise

  • Adopting Healthy Eating Habits - It can help individuals in preventing as well as controlling the diseases such as high blood pressure, heart diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis, muscular degeneration, renal stones, dental diseases and certain types of cancers. A diet that includes plenty of vegetables, fruits and whole-grain cereals and breads is recommended in parts because such a diet is high in fibers. Replacing the harmful types of fats, i.e., saturated and trans-fatty acids, with unsaturated fats including sources of omega-3 fatty acids reduces the risk of coronary artery disease by reducing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Intake of sugar and sugar-based beverages should be limited as sugar has no nutritional value except for being empty calories. Excessive calorie intake from any source should be limited. The intake of sodium should also be limited as it enhances the blood pressure. According to the World Health organization, its amount should not be more than 5 grams of salt per day.
healthy diet

  • Maintaining A Healthy Weight - Obesity is a worldwide problem. Overweight individuals experience a 2 to 3 times elevation in the risks of coronary artery disease and hypertension and 10 times increase in diabetes in comparison to the lean individuals. Overweight and obese individuals may experience an increased risk of cancer of colon, breast and kidney. you may have to just cut calories, avoiding fatty, junk and fast foods, avoiding overeating and rich carbohydrate food, balancing intake of calories and expenditure of calories and regular physical exercise help in maintaining a healthy weight.
healthy weight

  • Limiting TV Watching - Watching TV for a number of hours regularly is associated with increased obesity rates in children and adults, according to various research studies. It enhances the risk of diabetes and gallstones. Watching TV reduces physical and increases the consumption of foods and beverages high in calories. Reduced hours of watching TV significantly reduces body weight. So, it is recommended that we should not watch TV for more than 2 hours a day.
tv watching

  • Quitting Smoking - It is significant for a healthy lifestyle. In fact, smoking or use of tobacco in any form increases blood pressure which may cause stroke and coronary artery disease. Avoiding the use of smokeless tobacco also prevents oral cancer up to some extent.

  • Getting Sufficient Sleep - It is also a very significant part of a healthy lifestyle, particularly affecting mood and mental state. Inadequate or insufficient sleep is a risk factor for injuries. So, sufficient and sound sleep is necessary for keeping an individual away from fatigue or exertion. One becomes fresh and energetic after having adequate sleep.
take sufficient sleep

  • Preventing Injury - The various types of injuries owing to fatal accidents play a vital role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Injuries can be prevented simply by taking certain precautions such as wearing a seat belt, no intoxication when driving any vehicle, limiting speed, etc.
preventing from injuries

  • Limiting Amount Of Alcohol - To use alcohol in a limited amount is also an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Although a little amount of alcohol, especially red wine, may have some benefits for health but 2 or more than 2 drinks per day is usually harmful and may lead to health threats. 
limiting amount of alcohol

To conclude, it can be said that major health threats in the contemporary world can be prevented easily if we adopt healthy lifestyle facts. The above-mentioned facts which including in healthy lifestyle can play a vital role in preventing major health threats. Then, we may lead a healthy and productive life.

If you know more about health and lifestyle facts then comment and follow my blog for such facts. Now that's all for today, We will meet soon!

        THANK YOU

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