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Butterfly Pose Benefits

Butterfly pose - basic intro, what is butterfly pose, procedure, contradictions, benefits, precautions.

Hi! everyone, I hope you all are well. Today we are going to discuss about butterfly pose which helps in stretching. The butterfly pose improves the flexibility in your hip flexors, As it stretches the glutes, genital, and hamstrings. It helps in removing lactic acid and toxins accumulated in the region of the hip and groin. Your pelvis, abdomen, and back are stimulated by plentiful blood supply. The flapping of thighs also increases sperm count in men. A butterfly pose is a wonderful grounding position that leads to the creation of a serene place for delving into a meditation state that involves deep, relaxed breaths coordinated with leg movements. Read full post for complete information & do this on a regular basis.

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Q-  What is the Butterfly pose?
  • Baddha Konasana( BAH- dah cone- AHS- anna), also known as the butterfly or Broad angle pose, is a seated pose that strengthens and opens the hips and groin while eradicating abdominal discomfort. The consistent practice of this pose can help with childbirth, urinary discomfort, and feelings of pain and heaviness. During this exercise, make sure to maintain a focus on your breathing. This pose is believed to have origins in the typical sitting position of the Indian cobblers, leading to its alternative name, the cobbler pose.

Q-  Procedure?

Start the day on a fabulous note with Butterfly pose. Give a nice stretch to the spine after a long night sleep. Here are the steps that practicing can follow for performing the pose:-
  • Start the pose by sitting on the floor. Legs back straight, And hands on the ground. 
  • With an exhalation, bend the knees and bring the heels close to the pelvic region.
  • Drop the knees out of the floor and touch the soles of the feet together.
  • Clasp the hands around the ankles, shins or toes.
  • Stay in this pose for around for 3-5 minutes.  

Q-  Contradictions?
  • Sciatica can be aggravated in this pose.
  • Be kind to your knees during the performance of this pose.

Q-  Benefits?
  • Stimulates abdominal organs, ovaries, and prostate gland, bladder, and kidneys.
  • Stimulates the heart and improves general circulation.
  • Stretches the inner thighs, groins and knees.
  • Helps relieve mild depression, anxiety, and fatigue.
  • Soothes menstrual discomfort and sciatica.
  • Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause.
  • Therapeutic for flat feet, high blood pressure, infertility, and asthma. 
  • Consistent practice of this pose until late into pregnancy is said to help ease childbirth.
  • Traditional texts say that butterfly pose destroys diseases and gets rid of fatigue.
Q-  Precautions?
  • This asana should be avoided in case of groin or knee injury.
  • Be careful while bending if you suffer from high blood pressure or any cardiac problems.
  • Be slow and careful while doing the first time.

Do this daily after every meal for 5 minutes and see results.
Stay fit! Stay healthy!

If you have any queries related to this or any other health tip you want then, Comment down below and follow via E-mail for such interesting tips and exercises. Also follow me on Instagram- Dailyhealthshots_official and Pinterest- Dailyshots. Many problems one solution Dailyhealthshots.

Now that's all for today, We will meet soon  : )

Take Care. Thank you! : )

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