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Health Related Physical Fitness

Hi! Everyone, I hope you are well. Today I want to tell you about the health-related physical fitness, it is essential to know the meaning of health-related physical fitness. In fact, health-related physical fitness is important for all the people throughout their life. Its main aim is to achieve and maintain those specific qualities which enhance the working efficiency of the individual and his/her standard of health. It can be done through proper nutrition, regular and proper physical activities, effective stress management, control and prevention of diseases, and by getting rid of harmful health-related habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, etc. The risk of heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and depression can be avoided through physical fitness. The health of an individual can be promoted and enhanced with components of physical fitness. So, adopt these habits on a regular basis to keep you fit your health fit!

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1. Cardiovascular Endurance - Cardiovascular or cardiorespiratory endurance is the physical ability of an individual to indulge in aerobic exercise for a prolonged period of time. In other words, it can be said that cardiovascular endurance is the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to supply oxygen and nutrients to the working muscle and the ability of those muscles to allow sustained exercise. Cardiovascular endurance is important for all of us. If we have good cardiovascular endurance, we will definitely have healthy lungs, heart, and vascular system. It means that there will be less stress on the heart and lungs and consequently, we can prevent cardiovascular diseases and can lead a healthy life for a prolonged period. Only due to these reasons, this component of health-related physical fitness is considered significant. swimming, jogging, continuous slow running, skipping with a jump rope, and other aerobic exercises for longer duration are the best exercises for enhancing cardiovascular endurance.

cardiovascular endurance

2. Muscular strength -  Muscular strength is also an important component of health-related physical fitness. Muscular strength is the amount of force the muscle or a group of muscles can exert against resistance. In fact, muscular strength means the ability of the muscles to lift the weight. The duration for applying muscular strength may be short and vary from 0 to 15 seconds. The muscular strength may be measured in pounds and dynes. The muscular strength is essential for performing daily routine work easily and smoothly such as lifting weight and putting it at another place, climbing stairs, etc. It is also essential for maintaining good posture, avoiding injuries, and remaining independent. Generally, muscular strength depends upon the percentage of fast-twitch fibers. It can be increased through weight training,i.e., bench press, standing press, curling, shoulder press, squats, leg press, etc.

muscular strength

3. Muscular Endurance - Muscular endurance is one of the important components of health-related fitness. Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or a group of muscles to perform repeated muscular contractions against resistance for an extended or longer period of time. It is associated with the muscles ability to continue to perform the activity without fatigue. In other words, it is the ability of muscles to perform repeated exercise for a long duration without getting tired. Muscular endurance deals with slow-twitch muscle fibers. For improving muscular endurance, jogging, walking, cycling, dancing, push-ups, chin-ups, slow running, stepping, and running on a treadmill for 15 to 20 minutes are beneficial.

muscular endurance

4. Flexibility - Flexibility is the range of movements of joints. In other words, it means the range of motion available in joints. It is affected by muscle length, joint structure tendons, ligaments, and other factors. An individual, who has good flexibility, can move his/her body joints through a full range of motion in work and play. He/she can perform his daily routine work smoothly, efficiently, and easily. Flexibility is enhanced through physical activity programs. Usually, tight joints prevent smooth and efficient movements. Flexibility is helpful in many ways such as in preventing injuries, improving posture, reducing low back pain, maintaining healthy joints, improving balance while moving, and learning various skills easily, e.g., backstroke in swimming. Flexibility can be increased by performing stretching exercises. When performing stretching exercises, it is important to go slow and hold the position for an appropriate time period. Yogasanas are also beneficial to improve flexibility. 


5. Body Composition - Body composition is one of the major components of health-related fitness. Body composition is the percentage of lean body mass, i.e., bones, tendons, muscles, water, ligaments, organs, etc., in composition to body fat. This percentage varies from person to person. A fit person has a relatively low percentage of body fat. A healthy amount of fat for men is between 15 to 18 percent, whereas, in women it is between 20 to 25 percent. It is important to maintain a healthy percentage of body fat because extra fat or excess fat on our body can contribute to the development of health problems such as heart diseases and diabetes. Excess body fat may place strain on the joints, muscles, and bones which increases the risk of injuries. Good body composition is best gained through proper diet and exercise. Examples of poor body composition are underdeveloped muscles or excessive body fat. Poor body composition has a negative effect on appearance, self-esteem, attitude, and morale. Its negative effects may lead to depression and osteoporosis. Aerobic exercises such as jogging, swimming, cycling, continuous slow running, climbing stairs, and cross-country race are significant in reducing the body fat percentage.

body composition

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