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Compact Air Quality Monitor

Compact Air Quality Monitor - Intro, How it's work? , How to use? , Benefits, Disadvantage, What's impact on life and where it takes from :)

Hi! Everyone, Today I wanna tell an amazing compact air quality monitor device that can warn you about deteriorating air quality in your surroundings. Air pollution is a major problem nowadays. The monitoring air quality indoor as well as outdoor has become crucial to protect oneself from air pollution. This problem has a modern solution is Atmotube air quality monitor device. This device is a wearable portable that monitors the quality and safety of the air you breathe. Atmotube pro is a device capable of detecting PM1, PM2.5, PM10 pollutants, and several volatile organic compounds in real-time. These results are displayed in the Atmotube's app which is available for android as well as ios devices.
Atmotube pro also measures atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity, and helps you to stay in the most comfortable and safe environment. Read the full post carefully to know about an amazing device and how to use it. Many problems one solution Dailyhealthshots. Stay fit! Stay healthy!

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Q.  How it's work?

  • Device - Basically, Atmotube pro has sensors for detecting PMs, VOCs, humidity, atmospheric pressure in real-time. You can connect the device to your smartphone using the app via Bluetooth. It has a 2,000 mah battery and the device can work for one full day if you have enabled constant monitoring. You can charge Atmotube pro using the provided Type-C cable. Atmotube pro has a single button which, when pressed, lights up the LED to indicate the Air Quality score in your vicinity. The red light indicates severely polluted air, orange indicates mildly polluted air, and green shows that you're living in a clean environment where air pollution is below the permissible level.
  • App - It is neatly designed and shows the required information in a readable format. You can see air quality score, exact data of PMs, and VOCs in real-time, ambient temperature, and humidity. Here, 100 AQS denotes clean air and when the score slides to lower levels, it means increasing air pollution level.


Q.  How to use?
  • This Atmotube compact quality air monitor is the best monitoring device you can get today. It determines the pollution indoor and outdoor. Nothing can do just place this device near and press the start button. Check temperature, humidity, pollution level on the app. You can use it as a  personal air quality and weather monitoring device. This device is quite handy, portable and travel friendly.

Q.  Benefits?
  • Atmotube pro is quite handy and portable.
  • Atmotube pro does what it says, it does it well and it's easy to use.
  • It's priced reasonably, and there are hardly any portable alternatives.
  • The companion app is beautiful and very well made.
  • USB-C port charging is well appreciated
  • It measures atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity, and air pollution.
  • It is the most comfortable and safe environment friendly.
  • This device instant detection of volatile organic compounds and fine particles. No calibration required. 
  • It has a Barometric pressure sensor.
  • It is stylish, lightweight with long-lasting battery life.

Q.  Disadvantages?
  • The app becomes a real battery hog if you don't have the device in range.
  • With constant real-time monitoring, you have to charge the Atmotube every night.

Q.  Impact on life?
  • This is a must-have device especially for those who suffer from diseases like Asthma, Bronchitis, and more.
  • You can decide whether or not you should go outside by checking the air quality score of the area.
  • This device is portable and monitors the quality and safety of the air you breathe. It's safe you from bad breathing and pollution.

Q.  Where it take from?

If you have any queries related to this or any other health tip you want then comment down below and follow & subscribe via email my blog for such interesting tips and gadgets information. Also follow me on Instagram - dailyhealthshots_ and Pinterest - Dailyhealthshots. Many problems one solution Dailyhealthshots. Stay fit! Stay healthy!





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