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Benefits of Vajrasana

Hi! Everyone, I hope you are well. Today, I will tell you an amazing yoga pose or a meditative posture which helps you to improve the digestive system and strengthens muscles of thighs and calf. This asana is a meditative posture. It is the only asana which can be practiced immediately after eating meals. The practitioner sits on the heels with the calves beneath the thighs. There is a four-finger gap between the kneecaps, and the first toe of both the feet touch each other and sit erect. Due to the onset of coronavirus spreading everywhere. So, We have to improve the digestive system and strengthens it in the body to live healthy and safe at home.

If you have any queries related to this posture and any healthy tip you want, then comment down below and let me know. Many problems one solution Dailyhealthshots and also follow my blog, stay updated, stay tuned!



1. What is Vajrasana?
  • Vajrasana is a kneeling pose, and it takes its name from Sanskrit word Vajra, which means diamond or thunderbolt. Asana, of course, means pose. This diamond pose is also called Adamantine pose.
  • This posture is supposed to be practiced on an empty stomach, but this asana is one of the few exceptions. You can safely perform this asana after a meal. In fact, it is more effective if performed immediately after a meal. This pose promotes proper digestion.
  • The duration of this posture is 5 to 10 minutes only after every meal for proper digestion.
  • It also works on stretching ankles, thighs, knees and hips.
  • The science behind the Vajrasana is a steady, firm pose, and those who assume it can't be shaken easily. It is is a meditative pose, but sitting in this pose can be quite challenging. One has to conquer the pain in the legs and the unrest in the mind to master the pose and enter a meditative state. 
  •  The Vajrasana regulates blood circulation in the lower pelvic region. Sitting on your legs reduces the blood flow in the legs and increases it in the digestive area, therefore increasing the efficiency of the digestive system.

2. Procedure :)
  • Firstly, sit with legs extended together, hands by the side of the body, resting on the ground.
  • Fold the left leg at the knee and place the foot under the right buttock.
  • Similarly, fold the right leg and place the foot under the right buttock.
  • Place both the heels so that the big toes overlap each other.
  • Position the buttocks in the space between the heels.
  • Keep the hands-on respective knees.
  • Keep the spine erect, gaze in front. In the beginning you can sit for 10-15 seconds.
  • While returning to the original position, bend a little towards the right side, take your left leg and extend it.
  • Similarly, extend your right leg and keep arms on the sides of the body.
  • Return to the original position and rest.

3. Benefits :)
  • It improves digestion and with regular practices, it eliminates constipation.
  • Better digestion prevents ulcers and acidity.
  • It strengthens the back and relieves patients suffering from lower back problems and sciatica.
  • It also strengthens muscle of thighs and calf.
  • It helps to ease out labor pains and also reduces menstrual cramps.
  • It is a meditative posture and helps in concentration.

4. Precautions :)
  • In the final posture, the spine must be straight.
  • Heels should be outside and buttocks should be resting on the heels. Not bend forward or backward while sitting in this asana.

5. Contraindication :)
  • Those suffering from chronic knee pain should not practice Vajrasana.

Do this daily after every meal and stay fit to stay healthy!

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